HOME>西宮店>テンポスにようこそ!Welcome to Tenpos Nishinomiya (^^)

テンポスにようこそ!Welcome to Tenpos Nishinomiya (^^)


For you who are ready to open your own restaurant

For many people, opening their restaurant is a dream come true.

But staring a new restaurant is a daunting task.
How do you get a loan ? What kind of kitchen equipment do you need ? How big does the space need to be ?
Come to us, Tenpos Nisinomiya, we're going to give you some advice for starting a successful restaurant.


We have everything you need and want for your restaurant.
Not only running stores but also used kitchen equipment.

Tenpos Nisinomiya
Address: 兵庫県西宮市今津社前町1-5  
TEL: 0798‐38‐0319  
Opening hours: 10:00~19:00 
Closed days:The year-end and New Year Holidays
Please feel free to contact us with the link behind




営業時間 10:00~20:00
住所 〒663-8229
電話番号 0798-38-0319
FAX番号 0798-38-5119
アクセス 名神高速道路西宮出口より10分